Farm Fresh Produce at Your Door

Welcome to farm fresh produce straight to your door from New Century CSA .
CSA stands for 'Community Supported Agriculture'. In the simplest terms, that means that YOU get to enjoy all of the benefits of fresh produce. More and more people are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of eating the right foods, and eating fresh, healthy produce. When it comes to getting fresh food for you, your family, and the community, nothing beats freshly harvested produce from farms dedicated to serving the community. The best part is that you don’t have to drive to the farmer’s market to get it! Now all the home grown goodness is brought directly to your front door. That’s right, home delivery is included!
Our produce comes directly from our farm near Columbus, Ohio and carefully selected partnering farms within the area. This gives our members the security and peace of mind, knowing where their food comes from. Our high quality produce is reasonably priced and is guaranteed fresh and safe.
Unlike other CSAs where members have no say on the types of produce included in the weekly order, New Century CSA members are allowed to choose what items they want each week. What this means is that there will be much less waste which often occurs when members don't need (or want) the items sent to them. We offer small, medium, and large shares on a weekly delivery schedule. A bi-weekly share is also available. What's more, these fresh produce items are delivered fresh from the farm straight to our members' homes. This is a huge advantage over traditional CSA's where members have to go to a designated pick up point at a set time each week to get their share.